Richmond County Public Library

Meeting Spaces

The Richmond County Public Library and Rappahannock Community College have two meeting rooms on the Warsaw campus, which are available for public use.

Purpose and Use: Group Study Rooms are intended for study or quiet conversation, and are subject to RCC’s policies regarding use of property and equipment. Non-compliance with policy and regulations may result in forfeiture of room privileges.

This policy serves the internal library study rooms at Richmond County Public Library (RCPL), which is collocated with the Learning Resources Center at RCC’s Warsaw Campus.

  • The library is unable to accommodate the use of study rooms for events of a social or personal nature, such as birthdays, funerals, wedding receptions, reunions, parties, etc.
  • Primary use of the study rooms in order of priority are:
    • RCC students, including Workforce and Dual Enrollment;
    • RCC program-specific, e.g., tutoring;
    • RCC administrators, including Workforce and Dual Enrollment;
    • RCC faculty, including Workforce and Dual Enrollment;
    • RCC staff, including Workforce and Dual Enrollment;
    • Community patrons with an active RCPL card in good standing.

    All study rooms are prioritized for student use.

Community patrons with an active RCPL account in good standing may reserve the Group Meeting and Mediascape rooms at either campus. Use of these rooms by community groups for non-profit activities is permitted as schedules and space permit. Soliciting is not allowed, nor can money be collected.

  • Community patrons may reserve a study room for up to two (2) consecutive hours.
    • Renewals may be requested 30 minutes before the original reservation expires. If the room has not been reserved by another person by that time, the room may be renewed once for up to an additional two (2) consecutive hours, for a maximum of four (4) consecutive hours per day.
  • All persons may reserve a room up to two (2) weeks in advance.
  • All persons are allowed two (2) active reservations at a time.
  • All persons reserving a room must check in at the circulation desk when arriving and departing.
  • All persons will have a 10-minute grace period in which to contact the library, in the event they are running late. After 10 minutes, if the library has not been contacted, the room will be forfeited and may be reserved by any person requesting use of the room at that time.
    • Arriving late does not alter the reservation time. The original reservation window will be observed, except in cases where the room is forfeited.
  • It is incumbent upon all persons to contact the library staff and cancel all room reservations as soon as possible.
    • Community patrons who do not show up for their reserved time twice, may be banned from using the reservation system for the remainder of the semester.
    • Banned persons may make daily requests and, if a room is available, be accommodated accordingly.
  • Rooms are available during hours when the library is open. Persons may not enter the library before regular opening time to access a study room.
  • Use of library study rooms must conclude 10 minutes before the library closes, and users must restore the furniture and the room to the order in which it was found.
  • In order to reserve the room, patrons must have an active RCPL account in good standing and provide information that details why the room is needed. Information such as:
    • Name of patron
    • Location of the room (Warsaw or Glenns)
    • Which type of room (Mediascape or Group meeting)
    • Duration of use
    • Purpose for use of the room
  • Room reservations, while offered to public patrons, are prioritized for student use.


About the Rooms:

  • Mediascape Room:
    • Offers a dry-erase board and the ability to share computer screens on a large television set surrounded by executive style seating.


  • Group Meeting Room:
    • Offers a dry-erase board and table designed for study sessions and general meetings.

meeting room

This site is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. It is managed by the The Library of Virginia Library Development and Networking Division.